Monday 12 November 2012

Fujitsu ESPRIMO P400

Fujitsu All-round ESPRIMO PCs deliver high-quality computing for your office applications and projects at a very attractive price point. You can choose cost-optimized fixed configurations for immediate delivery. Alternatively, you can use configuration options to meet your specific hardware needs, while staying within your budget.


Fujitsu is commited to eliminating the use of harmful and potentially harmful substances in its products and production processes in order to minimize risk to end users and to the environment. This strategy is captured in Environmental Guideline FTS03230 and forms the basis on which all Fujitsu's products are designed. Especially for Fujitsu ESPRIMO PCs this means that all used printed circuit boards are halogen free.


As energy saving is one of the core components of Fujitsu approach to the environment, we permenantly try to improve the energy efficiency of our products. The Fujitsu ESPRIMO P400 features latest technology regarding Intel chipsetand processor and optional an up to 86% energy efficint power supply.


Each business has unique, specific requirements to its IT infrastructure. You have the freedom of choice in getting systems which perfectly fit-in your specific environment with hardware, software, add-on and lifecycle management.

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